Tuesday 14 March 2017

1B) type of breifs

Commission Brief
A commission brief is where a large corporation, such as The Daily Mail, employ an independent company to create their product/project for them. It is notable that this type of brief is negotiated between two media companies, as opposed to an external client, who may receive the product once it has been established.

Contractual Brief 
A Contractual Brief is a legal document, which is created between an employee and a client. The layout of a contractual brief is very easy and clear to read, meaning it allows the client to complete their details without confusion. a Contractual brief outlines the duties that will be required by the company, and how the company organizes their work. A contractual Brief is legally obligatory and what is prescribed and outlined must be followed. an example would be an actor and a film making company as an actor is legally bound into doing what ever is agreed on the contract like the amount of films they must act in.

Formal Brief
A formal written brief is a document that includes detailed information about what the client wants the company to achieve. it is usually due to other requirements, although it does sometimes change though it is still usually more of the relaxed type of briefs of clients. It is usually a straitfoward document, which refrains from including any unwanted information. the brief itself may not always be classified as a legal document. an example is workers in a workplace in a meeting room formally talking about business and ideas.

Co-Operative Brief
This is where two or several production companies are employed to operate upon a set brief, which they completion unison on a team basis. the project has to be completed before a certain deadline, otherwise the client will be extremely dissatisfied, and will not employ the selected companies in the future. an example would be two companies working together to create an advert, service or product.

Negotiated Brief
This is where the client and the employee will come to a specific agreement upon the brief of the project. Negotiated briefs are about the same type of briefs as formal briefs, but this type of brief can have input from both sides of this certain creation, meaning both the client and company do have their own say in this discussion. It is important that the client and employer/company agree on the brief, or it will cause inevitable problems in the future. An example would be a client and employee negotiating business details and information.

Competition Brief
A brief which is created in order to be accessible to all of the production companies which are participating in creating a project/product. It is notable that each corporation completes their own brief, outlining their ethos. All of the finished projects created by these companies are judged, and the most impressive one is crowned winner, and is taken into publication by the client. An example would be a competition for a product idea for a business.

Informal Brief
informal brief is basically an agreement done face to face through something like a meeting, it is also not legally obligatorily. There is a discussion conducted between the client and the employer, where they will come to a general agreement over the details of the contract. an example would be two workers outside of the workplace chat about business ideas.

Tender Brief
A client will produce an advertisement stating that they require a media product to be created. A potential employer, such as a production company, initiates a brief, a budget, as well as a proposal, which is then pitched to the client in order to secure their chance of obtaining the work that was previously advertised by the employer. The client decides upon the most impressive proposal featured from their group of candidates. An example would be people pitching to a advertiser for ideas for an advert.

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