Wednesday 29 March 2017

ident moodboard

Hard working

diverse students

my idea is incorprating the fact that each indivual student is unqiue in their own way but they are able to interact with each other in the college environment.

TONE/Brand identity

the tone of the ident will have a welcoming feeling to it as this ties into the brand identity of being a sixth form college that is accepting of different students with different learning.


It will always contain the colour of ctk which is purple and white, Also it will always be linked back to learning in some sort of way


Unit 5 task 1c


A signed agreement between two parties with a stated objective.


for recruiting parties with specific objectives and terms and conditions that need to be followed. This means it should contain terms &conditions , a salary , the specific task and


One of the advantages of this brief is that the subject matter is taken into action. this means that the end product of the brief is clear and is set from the beginning. This is considered more stable as the person being employed is guaranteed pay for complete the task.


The disadvantage if this type of contract would be that if the media company think that there are issues within the brief and they produce the product to their own standards this would not be producing the product to the standards set by the client and they could decide to take legal action and this could result in your company having a bad reputation for not completing projects to a set brief.


This is when Two or more parties have to compete , meaning a competition has to take place amongst the contestants.


The purpose of this brief is so that the employer is able to find the best candiate for carrying out the requirements of the brief. The brief contains all the instructions that the parties may need as well as the prize that will be reward to the successful candiate.


  The advantage is that the client only has to pay the one winning production company, but sometimes will not have to pay them at all. Also the fact that they have multiple companies producing a product means that they have a large choice of products and can choose the one that they believe will be the most successful.


 A disadvantage of this is the companies that are turned down by the client may become disheartened as they have missed out on potential work and money as they may have used their own money in order to complete the task

Informal Brief 

this is usually a verbal settlement between the parties without any legally binding documents.


This is done to get across basic information that needs to be exchanged by the two parties. Also it can be done for task that don't take a long time frame to be completed.

      The advantages to this type of brief is that there is more verbal communication between the client and the company they are employing which could mean that the media company will understand fully exactly what the client is asking of them and they should be able to complete the project to the client’s standards easily.
      The fact that there is no written documentation or contract to prove the employment of the company could mean that at the end of the project the client could easily fail to pay their employees. Also this could mean that certain things like deadlines are not completely clear and this can cause confusion for both parties.


This this where a media company is given a brief by the client which outlines the product which they are wanting to be made. This brief is very open and only gives enough information to be able to produce the product, any issues or information that the media company would like to go over can be discussed during the negotiations with the client. Both the client and the company employed by them will formally agree on the project and the brief but it can not always be legally binding.
This is necessary a information need to be looked over formally in regard to a job or task description

Having this type of brief means that the client is open to any ideas or issues if there are any that could be raised by the media company that is employed, this makes the work quite creative for the media company and there is room for negotiation.
       The disadvantages of this type of brief is that the media company may feel that the client has not offered enough information for them to complete the product to the standard that the client wishes. Also the fact that the brief is not always legally binding could bring up problems within the project with things such as financial issues or a breech of contract.


       This is where a client will advertise their brief and a production company will bring together a proposal that they will pitch to the client, there could be multiple pitches to the client from many different companies, so the client will then get the chance to choose the proposal that they think best suits their brief and offer the job to that production company.
       The advantages of this brief is that the client will be able to look at many different ideas for their product from different companies perspectives and in effect will be able to produce their product to a very high standard if one of the pitched ideas stands out above all of the others.

       The disadvantage of this type of brief is that if a company’s pitch is turned down by the client this can set them back in business as it is very hard to gain work in this day and age. The business may have been very optimistic in thinking that the client would have accepted their proposal and could have gone as far as to decline any work that they were offered in the time that they would have been working on this project. 


      This type of brief will be brought up if the co-operative brief given to the two of more media companies that are competing the project have any issues between them selves about the brief or anything they would like to clear up with the client. Through the negotiations the brief can then be changed in order to suite every party taking part in the production. This could be anything from changing the appearance of the product to changing the products content as well as keeping it to the guidelines set in the brief.
      Within this brief the fact that certain points can be negotiated means that the project is more open to suggestions from multiple perspectives which could make the product more successful over all
       Negotiating the brief can sometimes waste time is unnecessary issues are brought up that the client believes do not need to be tackled and this can delay the production time of the product.


      This brief is where a  large media company will employ an other independent media company to create and produce the product for them, and after the product has been made the larger company may go on to be use the product for an external client who will pay the independent media company for making the product and they could even get a cut of the royalties too. The brief is not negotiated between the company and the client, however is negotiated between the two media companies.
      Having this type of brief means that the larger company do not have to do all of the hard work, so to speak. They can sub-contract the work that is set in the brief out to another company  and each company will both receive money for the work they have contributed to the making of the product.
       This type of brief could mean that because there are two different companies working on the same product there could be some conflicts, but because the brief is not negotiated with the client, the product made may not be to the client’s standards.


      Within this type of brief there are usually two or more companies that are hired by the client to work to the brief they have written for the specific project they re wanting to be completed. After both companies have received the brief they can then proceed to work together to produce the product. If there is a disagreement or conflict in ideas there can be a negotiated brief in order to resolve these issues.
      Having this type of brief means that there can be more perspectives to creating the product needed by the client and therefore means that the brief can be more understood than if there were only one company working on the project.
      This type of brief can be more prone to disagreements and conflict in the ideas being given by each of the different media companies that have been employed by the client.

Unit 5 task 1d

The nature of this brief comes across as formal as there is a specific outcome that it highlighted through out the brief. How ever it could be considered contractual because if the criteria is not met then this could result in the student getting a fail for this brief . Also to target an audience of students aged  15-19 who may be interested in joining the college.

The demand of the brief is highlighted by the client David Pearson as aspects such as time frame, budget and what location are we going to use in order to film this shoot.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

1B) type of breifs

Commission Brief
A commission brief is where a large corporation, such as The Daily Mail, employ an independent company to create their product/project for them. It is notable that this type of brief is negotiated between two media companies, as opposed to an external client, who may receive the product once it has been established.

Contractual Brief 
A Contractual Brief is a legal document, which is created between an employee and a client. The layout of a contractual brief is very easy and clear to read, meaning it allows the client to complete their details without confusion. a Contractual brief outlines the duties that will be required by the company, and how the company organizes their work. A contractual Brief is legally obligatory and what is prescribed and outlined must be followed. an example would be an actor and a film making company as an actor is legally bound into doing what ever is agreed on the contract like the amount of films they must act in.

Formal Brief
A formal written brief is a document that includes detailed information about what the client wants the company to achieve. it is usually due to other requirements, although it does sometimes change though it is still usually more of the relaxed type of briefs of clients. It is usually a straitfoward document, which refrains from including any unwanted information. the brief itself may not always be classified as a legal document. an example is workers in a workplace in a meeting room formally talking about business and ideas.

Co-Operative Brief
This is where two or several production companies are employed to operate upon a set brief, which they completion unison on a team basis. the project has to be completed before a certain deadline, otherwise the client will be extremely dissatisfied, and will not employ the selected companies in the future. an example would be two companies working together to create an advert, service or product.

Negotiated Brief
This is where the client and the employee will come to a specific agreement upon the brief of the project. Negotiated briefs are about the same type of briefs as formal briefs, but this type of brief can have input from both sides of this certain creation, meaning both the client and company do have their own say in this discussion. It is important that the client and employer/company agree on the brief, or it will cause inevitable problems in the future. An example would be a client and employee negotiating business details and information.

Competition Brief
A brief which is created in order to be accessible to all of the production companies which are participating in creating a project/product. It is notable that each corporation completes their own brief, outlining their ethos. All of the finished projects created by these companies are judged, and the most impressive one is crowned winner, and is taken into publication by the client. An example would be a competition for a product idea for a business.

Informal Brief
informal brief is basically an agreement done face to face through something like a meeting, it is also not legally obligatorily. There is a discussion conducted between the client and the employer, where they will come to a general agreement over the details of the contract. an example would be two workers outside of the workplace chat about business ideas.

Tender Brief
A client will produce an advertisement stating that they require a media product to be created. A potential employer, such as a production company, initiates a brief, a budget, as well as a proposal, which is then pitched to the client in order to secure their chance of obtaining the work that was previously advertised by the employer. The client decides upon the most impressive proposal featured from their group of candidates. An example would be people pitching to a advertiser for ideas for an advert.