Friday 6 November 2015

Task C Short film 3

In the opening scene a close up is used to show a red liquid pouring down some stairs. The way this shot has been edited is so that the colour of the liquid is highlighted stands out more while the background is more of a plain colour. Also the liquid is also used to portray running blood. This fits into the theme of a thriller/horror film because the colour is associated with danger. This makes the audience feel wiry with suspense.

While red liquid is pouring down the stairs, flashing shots of a female silhouette and Goole looking creature are showed. As these images are shown the music flickers in time with the images, this cause a jump scare effect on the audience. When the Goole is shown using chiaroscuro lighting this has made it so half of the Goole’s face is covered by the darker tone. This is effective because the pale features of the Goole which is a contrast to the darkness it is surrounded in.

A close up is used to signify that the phone is ringing, when this shot it being edited the creators have made sure to use a sound effect. This is done because it is diegetic sound and can be heard by the character as well as the audience.

This shot has been taken at a low angle, however it has been edited so that the main subject is not focused on. This was done intentionally to leave the audience in suspense, this also causes the audience to wonder if that character is alone while he has answering the phone, almost as if he is being watched.

These next two shots are used to show what show what the character is focusing on. Using a mid-shot to show what it is at the end of the hallway. This is effective because there is a sense of mystery. The dooring is creaking, this sound effect has been edited in to be more effective, and this makes the audience feel as if there is something or someone at the door.

This mid shot has been shot through the window of the door, back lighting has been used to indicate that the character is safe in their home whereas out sound of the door is completely dark. This is used to show that there is an unknown been lurking around the house, also the bars on the windows indicate that the character may be trapped. This plays into the genre of the short film being a thriller/horror because the audience get the impression that something bad is going to happen.

A staircase is shot at a low angle. This infers that there is a more dominate been up the stairs, this plays into the genre of the short film because there is no clear danger displayed in this shot it makes the audience suspenseful. Low key lighting has been used to make the shot look more sinister and intimidating. The theme of the sound track being played is also very sinister this makes the audience get the feel that something bad is going to happen. However the character is unaware because this soundtrack is non diegetic sound this means the character is oblivious to the music but the audience is not.

In these two shots it shoes the character in a close up looking afraid, this leaves an effect on the audience because we can see that the character is afraid but we are as the audience are not sure what he is afraid of, low-key lighting is used so the audience get the feel that is cannot be something positive. During these beastly sounds are being played, this is diegetic sound as the character is responding to the sounds and feels afraid.

In this shot is shows a mid-shot of the door, however the camera is edging closer and closer towards the door. This makes the audience feel really tense as they are not sure of what exactly it is that the character is running from however we are sure that something is there. Low key lighting is used once again, this is related to the film being a horror/thriller.

As the sound track gets louder and scarier, a shot of the door is continued to be shown, however this time the shot is being slowly panned from downwards up. This helps to build the scene as it builds more suspense as the audience is wondering what could possibly be on the other side of the door

This shot has been used with free hand, this indicates the point of view perspective of the character, this also highlights the character is feeling scared as the camera is shaking, and this is related to the genre of the film because the film is trying to get the audience to be frightened. This makes the audience feel like they are liked with the main character as they feel scared just like the character is.

In this shot an extreme close up is used. This shot really makes the character fear show, this can be shown by how wide the characters eyes are. This shows that the character is shocked or alarmed, cause the audience to emulate the same feeling. Chiaroscuro lighting is used once again to portray that the character is in danger as one side of his face in covered in shadows.

In this final shot low-key lighting is used to show the silhouette of the mysterious character that been following the character from the beginning. The way that this shot has been edit is that you only get to see the silhouette for 2 seconds. This way done to keep the audience’s attention and also tat this point it is supposed to be the height of their suspense.  

1 comment:

  1. Pass/merit
    Very little on editing that is not descriptive
    Generally camera shots describe what is in the shot rather than analysing the meaning of it.
    No discussion of narrative or format
