Friday 6 November 2015

Task C Short film 2

In one of the opening scenes a long shot is used to introduce a rather mysterious character. This shot has been used so the identity of the character remains unknown. This plays into the genre of thriller because there is a sense of wonder as the characters identity has not been revealed.  in this shot back lighting is used when this strange character  is being introduced. this gives of a silhouette effect, this plays into the thriller genre because there is a sense of mystery as we cannot see the characters face. Diegetic sound is used when the strangers footsteps are.

In the opening scene a close up is used to introduce the protagonist of the film. This is an effective shot type to use because it allows the audience to see the facial expression of the character, however because the camera is so fixed onto one character I does make the audience ask questions as they can’t see what it is the character is looking at. Fill lighting has been used in this shot. This is to focus solely on the characters expression. As seen it creates shadows around the subject features.

In this shot a clever use of the over the shoulder shot is used. This shot plays into the genre of thriller and horror because the identity of the stranger is concealed while at the same time showing the audience exactly what it is that the stranger is focusing on. also in this scene low key lightning is used as the stranger watches the protagonist cross the road. this builds the suspense in the scene because the stranger is unknown to the audience because they're in the shadows , this gives the audience an uneasy feeling causing the tension to build.

the way this shot has been edited is so that we do not know what is going to be ahead. This plays into a thriller because it seems the street is abandoned, this means the character is potentially vulnerable.

In this shot a reverse over the shot angle has been used. This is to shows that the character is looking over his shoulder however, just like the character the audience do not know what is behind the character this builds tension as there is a uncertainty to what is going to happen next. Also this scene has been edited so the background is blurred out this is to obscure the setting. this creates a sense of unknown.

in this shot the free hand camera technique is used when the stranger begins to chase the protagonist. this technique is clever because it portrays the true panic and haste of the character. this plays in to the genre of the film being a thriller and horror because it creates a sense of terror. At this point of the film the music because very sharp and alert this creates a dangerous atmosphere.

in this final shot a low angle is used to portray that the stranger is more supririor to the other character this is also evident as the creator of this film has slightly blurred out the less dominate character and focused on the more dominate character this creates a sense of terror as both 

1 comment:

  1. Pass/m
    No analysis of editing, no discussion of narrative or format
    Manly descriptive
    "Also this scene has been edited so the background is blurred out this is to obscure the setting. this creates a sense of unknown." this is done by the cam op not editing
