Wednesday 18 November 2015

Shot verse Shot/Cutaways

Shot Verse Shot
Shot converse shot  is a film method where one character is demonstrated taking a gander at another character (regularly off-screen), and after that the other character is indicated glancing back at the first character. Since the characters are indicated confronting in inverse headings, the viewer accept that they are taking a gander at one another.Shot reverse shot is a feature of the "classical" Hollywood style of continuity editing people like dw Griffith.  

cutaway shot is a shot that abruptly introduces content and scenery away from the central action. The most widely recognised utilization of cutaway shots in emotional movies is to alter the pace of the principle activity, to cover the cancellation of some undesirable piece of the primary shot, or to permit the joining of parts of two forms of that shot. For instance, a scene may be enhanced by removing a couple casings of an on-screen character's interruption; a brief perspective of an audience can hide the break. pioneers like Porter was responsible for introducing cutaways which Doesn't break continuity.

Jump Cuts
Jump Cuts An example of jump cuts is in the movie called Royal Tenenbaums. In the scene just before he kills himself he is shaving his beard and cutting his hair. There is jump cuts here to reflect his emotions to show that he is unsteady and that there was something wrong with him. You will see the clip below. Jump cuts was discovered by Melies. Also another person who used jump cuts is Goddard by discontinuity; purposely to break continuity.


Transitions An example of transitions is a fade out. An example of this is in a scene of the movie Ghost in 1990. Transitions were discovered by Melies and it's used to smooth out the scene/movie. Also it helps the audience know that the movie has ended especially if music is playing on top of it. In the example below it shows that the scene has ended nicely and smoothly because they are together.

180 degree rule 180 degree rule is when a camera is pointing at two different people who are in front of each other on either side to show that they are having a conversation. The camera can't cross the line of action because it will then be a different shot; it wouldn't look like the two people are looking at each other. This is why only single cameras use 180 degree rule, if multi cameras was to try and use this technique they would break it because other cameras will be seen in the shot. An example will be shown below of a scene in doctor who where 180 degree rule is being used.



  1. NYA
    Prep work is completed Shot Rev a shot is correct, but cutaway is not a discontinuity technique - the plagiarised description is correct, but your section about Melies is not

  2. NYA
    The portfolio is incomplete and does not include the excerpts from the rest of your group of 8.
    Your contribution is WT M - "Shot Verse Shot"? the terminology needs to be correct
