Wednesday 12 October 2016

Post Modern Style

in this report i will be looking at some of the post modern styles that are used within music videos today.


Homage is the style of paying tribute to an artist or any influences in a respectful manner. this can be done with props , mise en scène and even shot types and angle. For example the Artist Kid Cudi is paying homage to the late Jimi Hendrix in the music video "Erase me". In the video Cudi is immating  the performance style of Jimi Hendrix but in a respectable fashion throughout the video. 

Kid Cudi


Jimi Hendrix

Hyper Reality

The style of Hyper Reality can be identify as when visuals have been made out as if it real, however they will often exaggerate elements. An example of this can be found in the music video " Imma be" by the Black Eyed Peas. This video takes place in a post apoclipstic time, featured with transforming futuristic  robots. this is hyper reality as the fans of the Black Eyed peas will be familiar with this theme of the music video as it matches the tone of the song.


pastiche is when someone imitates their style of the music video but it is done in a respectful manor. a good example of this would be when Miley Cyrus like the style in Sinead O Connor's "nothing compares" has a similar close up that involves the artist crying.Miley used this a way to launch her new image of a rebellious teen. this is done to pay respects to an artist and show that they admire their style and vision. 


Animated videos tend to be animated all the way through or parts of it tend to be animated. stock motion and digital are the two types of animation that tends to be used in music videos. a good example of a digital animation video would be "Good Morning" by Kanye West. and a stop motion example would be "Rhinestone Eyes" by Gorillaz. This allows an a sense of fantasy which allows the image of the artist to broadened beyond human constrains.


Allusion is when you have a subject associated to with a place or event in history for example the video " Diamonds are Forever" By Kanye West, it would be linked to the illegal diamond trade going on in Sierra Leone. Another example would be Kendrick Lamar's "Alright". this video is based on the all the shooting of black people in america by the police. this allows the artist to show that they are in touch with real life and relate to their artist.


Iggy Azalea's Fancy has intertextual references because it refers to the 1995 film, Clueless. Iggy Azalea Gained a worldwide recognition because it was a pastiche to the film. A pastiche is a respectful mimic of a particular artist, style or director that is copied without being made to mimic/mock. The reason this was done was to promote the film Clueless as the music video was old school and had the same exact scenes as what was in the film. At 0:41, this scene is a replica as what was filmed. Instead of there being three girls, there is the main artist, Iggy and the artist that features in the song, Charlie XCX with two other actors which are boys. The two artists are playing characters in this music video to take the attention off them as well as gain recognition. 

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