Thursday 4 February 2016

Sequencing to tell a story

the reason we sequence shots is to compress time . this helps move a viewers interest by changing shots and shot angles. for example close up can be used to avoid jump cuts which my confused the view.

when shooting visual sequences yo do not need to follow the action it is okay for the actor to leave and enter the frame this doesn't effect continuity as you can show a shot of the character in a different location. this will allow your audience to feel engaged as they do not have to sit through unnecessary footage.

it is important that you only have the peak moments of footage, this can potentially turn a 3 minutes worth of footage into 30 seconds, which is much more suitable for keeping the attention of my audience  

Used a variety of shots such as a
 Wide shot

Medium shot


This is because tight shots in this order can be put together in a sequence back to back, whereas if you string a bunch of long shot back to back it would just look like loads of jump cuts, which are confuse for the viewer.

it would help your sequence if you first shot the action....

then a reaction this shows the things that are important.

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