Wednesday 14 October 2015

Single Camera Techniques Videos

180 Degree/ Rule of third / Match on Action/Shot reverse shot


Head room , Lead room and Framing

Headroom is making sure there is enough sure the subject is not being cut out of the shot. if there is too much head room then this is called dead space.

Lead  room
is when you have enough framing space to see the subject and what ever they are concetrating


Master shot/Depth of Field tutorial

Master shot is when you can see all the characters that are involved in the scene together along with the  environment they are involved.

Depth of field is when you focus on the subject along with the background.

Shot Types

close ups are used to show mystery and suspense
long shots are used to show the environment
mid shot are used to show a centre a shot
panning is used to put the subject to one side of the frame

Block and Building a sequence

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