Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Personal diary

  • meeting deadlines; (weekly diary of progress to schedule)
  • quality management; (meeting to discuss the production quality and fitness for purpose of each of the idents - what will be discussed/renegotiated with client before production starts)

  • Teamworking; (weekly team log of contributions and management of the production)

  • Week 1

    My group have started to compile ideas into the possible themes we could be basing our idents on. Some of the themes i thought about including was community , cohesion and even the seasonal theme. 
    meeting deadlines;
    The deadline was to make sure we had chosen idea ready to be shown to client, which was done successfully on the 19th of April.

    quality management;

    I made sure that the idents that were out forward suited the breif along with my other teame  

    Week 2 

    me and my group have received some advice mr barton, after showing us some examples of past students work. After being shown these examples i began to rethink the theme of the idents. I decided to focus on the theme of "things coming to life" this idea is movement based, with using stop motion.
    We have just handed and pitched our production plan to the client. in this plan I was responsible for coming up with the designs. In the the designs I included different font variations. 

    Week 3

    After meeting with the client I have decided that I will need to map out my idea via a storyboard. As a group we pitched our final idea to our client, Mr David Pearson, where we discussed our initial idea, theme, budget, potential problems and solutions and more. We had 5 minutes to present the pitch.  In my opinion i felt we could of done a bit better in the interview, this is to do with the confidence behind delivering our idea.

    Tuesday, 25 April 2017

    group diary entry

    One section of the diary entry could not be heard due to volume reasons. We came up with a number of ideas, the first one being;
    Sporty based.
    3 dancers (CTK) at an interesting location.
    Science (test tubes, like jackleyn high).
    Media and photography (green room, lights and costume), behind the scenes from previous shoot.
    Creating play doh or clay figures. Girl leaves the room and the figures come to life and the girl's hand smashes the figure, CTK logo appears.

    Sunday, 23 April 2017

    ctk logo design

    Unit 5 task 2C



    As a director some of the skills that need to be present is the ability to be creative and come up with ideas. This is incredibly essential because without and ideas it would be impossible for any ideas to transpire. 

    New skills

    Another skill that need to be present is the skill to communicate with your team members clearly and efficiently. This is vital as a successful team is a team that is able to discuss any areas of the idea that may need to be made clear again , or even revised. I am able to communicate effectively therefore making me a asset to my team. 

    Another skill I possess is the ability to explain my idea. Whether this is done through a series of images and videos. I will make sure that my idea is portrayed in one way or another. This is helpful in terms of being a director as part of being a successful director is making sure that the people that you're working with understand the concept of your idea 100%. This leads to your vision being made that inch better.

    Multi skilling

    In regards to multi skilling, there are a number of abilities that must be utilised, for example when speaking to or organising the brief with the client a certain number of skills are required, such as negotiation and communication and most importantly a clear vision of the idea so that we are able to tell the client our initial vision. This is important as you want to reach a compromise with the client that fits their needs but at the same time doesn't sacrifice your artistic vision.

    Contributions to project

    the contribution i will be making to the project breif is making sure the designs are clear. this is important as it will play a key factor in how our idents need to look. Another contribution i will be making is Directing the idents. I will be giving guidance to the actors involved in our idents also look at how our idents is being film while we are on location. This is to make sure that what we are filming matches the vision that i have created.

    Tuesday, 18 April 2017

    Unit 5 Task 2B &2C (GROUP WORK COMPILED)


    The brief: CTK are planning to launch their own digital TV channel for promotional videos for prospective students. They approached you to research and produce a suite of Idents to brand their channel targeting 15-19 years students of both genders from SE London.  You will have to consider the requirements of your client and work closely with them to fulfil the promotional purpose of the productYou will need to negotiate and agree a theme and design for a suite of 4 seasonal Idents that establishes consistency in the brand identity of the channel and appeals to its target audience, encouraging them to consider CTK as a place to study.  You must plan and produce the suite of idents that use stop motion animation and/or live video, negotiating creative changes with the client deliver to the project to deadline that fulfil the brief. Each Ident should be approximately 30 seconds and you will initially have a budget of £50. 

    Consultation with the client:


    Consultation with the client
    when it came to our consultation with the client, we invited him and had a thorough 5 minutes just to discuss and negotiate conditions regarding the brief and then the client gave us an additional five minutes just to prepare our self's and compress or summarise some of our ideas so we didn't give the client any of our final ideas. when it came to came to questioning the brief and what the client wanted we looked at certain thing such as:

    Duration of the Ident
    When it came to the duration of the Ident, the brief stated that it has to be 30 seconds in order to count and comply with the briefs specifications. However we negotiated this and said our audience is teenagers and teenagers tend to have a very short attention span so we said if we could shorten the ident to 15 seconds and the client agreed with what we were saying.

    when it came to the deadline on the brief the client wanted to see the production finished by the 12th may for an initial review and then we were given feed back and then on the 26th may the final idea with improvements so that we could finish the final idea to the highest standard using the specifications wanted by the client. The client agreed and said this is an efficient way to work.

    Competition Brief
    when discussing the briefs conditions we wanted to ask and try to negotiate a deal where this brief would be a competition brief so it gave us the opportunity to gain prize money if we were the chosen team however the client said he would give prize money however he would reimburse the budget that was spent for the winning team.

    Creative Discretion
    When it came to the creative discretion we questioned about altering the colour or altering how we wanted to present our students, however the client wanted the colour scheme of purple and white to stay the same because he found that the colours were recognisable and helped the college create a brand identity. also regarding changing the presentation of our students the client agreed as long the ideas applied to the school rules and the CTK graces.

    Target Audience
    when it came to our target market,the brief stated the suite of promotional idents should be made for teenagers from south London aged between 15-19 years old, we wanted to make sure that the suite of promotional Idents would attract the parents of the students looking at the college furthermore I also wanted the suite of promotional Idents to entice the future students that may end up attending CTK. when we shared our idea with the client he seemed very interested and he was wondering as to how we could achieve this.


    This was more than one brief but i will say it was mainly a negotiating  brief as we were able to invite our client in to converse with him the brief he set for us for the launching of ct. own digital TV channel in which will show promotional aspects for students. During this first meeting with the client he issued us a 5 minute discussion time so that we were able to brush up on ideas and question and lastly negating with each other what is needed to make the brief easy, under stable for us to do.

    One question that was offered was the type of way in which the ident for CTK digital tv channel will presented, "Do we have to do stop motion" however, we stated that stop motion we take up more time and that won't last long. The client stated that what is presented in the stop motion ident must cover everything and your point must be clear to get across to students.

    Second question that was expressed was "what brand identity do you want us to convey in the idents" he stated that it's targeting students aged 15-19 that might want to join the college so that they are able to see an accurate reflection of what the college is and what it is about but on the other hand he stated that the we have to bare in mind the stakeholder, that are going to be involved that are targeting and wanting students to join. He also stressed that we must consider how parents, partner schools  might see it , catholic prodigious see it, and how the wider community might see it. so its got to be a fair reflection, that it can't just be targeted at the creative side (media) but that is you wanna see the college in the best light by showing a mixture of things that show the college.

    Third question asked "if we can rebrand the product as we feel it's currently branded to the parent rather than the students" the client implied that rebranding is fine but take in to consideration the wider stakeholder and its got to fit in with the expectations  of the local partner school, wider catholic prodigious in which you can not be un recognisable to them.

    Forth question was "have you got any boundaries when it comes to representation of students and teachers in the college" he portrayed that we must consider the mission statement at the college but that you must have something that strongly represents the college.

    A fifth question was that "In the brief it states that is should be seasonal (4seasons) can we just do 4 different idents that links with the college instead of seasonal" he expressed that its okay that there is no reason why it can't be done differently but it must not alienate other subject and that it should strongly represent the school as a whole.

    In conclusion the the negotiation process with the client resulted in being successful as we were able to change and demand what we want that will better the school digital TV channel meaning that we basically have the option to use creative description but that the house design which is usually white, purple and black should be kept the same as that is what is used across the sites as the main house design and that it's already branded in the mind of the students and parents so there would be no point in changing the colour scheme of the college. we also negated as a group if we could incorporate the idea of an completion brief that expressed what ever group that had the best idea in which the client then loved/chose will be offered a prize of some sort therefore, it resulted in us coming to an agreement that the groups idea that is chosen would be reimbursed for what was spent in the pre-production process (budgeting).  Lastly, we also talked on terms about the type of way in which we will deliver the idents via: stop motion or live. however, in the brief it was portrayed that it had to be 30 second  in order to succeed and to meet the brief specifications but we were able to water down why stop motion will be hard to deliver a 30 second stop motion ident each as it will take time and because of the audience we are dealing with we know that they have short attention spans meaning they will be looking for something that stands out, drawn them by making them want to engage with the product and lastly it must me memorable and clear for audiences to remember. 

    I am able to relate to this brief because I had been set a brief to produce a music video in the past in which had the same kind of terms and conditions in which I had to choose and negotiate with my client what will be suitable for him and for me and for the wider community.

    Degree of discretion in interpreting brief

    degree of discretion in interpreting brief*;
    When it comes to the degree of discretion in interpreting the brief, we had to make a few negotiations with the client in order to try and make sure we can provide the best ident we can give to the client.
    Firstly, we negotiated with the client the duration of the ident. As it says on the brief, the idents should last 30 seconds each. Our group discussed at a earlier time that the duration would be too long if we were to do stop motion for the idents, as this would cause complications because it would be very time consuming. During the meeting with the client, we proposed that the duration should be cut down to at least 20 seconds, and the client, Mr Pearson agreed.
    Secondly, we negotiated the colour scheme for the suite of idents. The client addressed that it would be beneficial to keep the brand identity the same, which is purple and white but we are free to use any other colours. However, we have chosen to keep the colour scheme, purple and white because it represents the college's colour scheme.
    Another point we negotiated was the target audience, on the brief it says that the target audience is 15-19 year olds, but it was insisted that it must be targeted to parents, wider stakeholders, partners, diocese, etc. so it must be acceptable to them because it may/will be the parents picking which college they want their child to go to.
    Fourthly, we negotiated if the proposed concept of the idents can be changed from seasonal because it is quite difficult to get a number of ideas from them. The client agreed and said it is ok but it must have an accurate reflection of what the college is about and how everyone else will see it,and must also have a representation because of the students they are trying to attract. (diverse representation of students).

    Constraints (legal, ethical, regulatory)*; (Copyright, use of under 18s in the video, discrimination of ethnicity, gender, religious belief)

    Legal Constraints need to be taken into consideration when creating and distributing a media product. There are many laws and regulations set by regulators to ensure that media companies and organisations do not offend people. Regarding Ethical issues and constraints, we as a group made sure that our ideas and themes did not offend people's ethnic backgrounds, gender or religious beliefs. We also had to make sure that we did not discriminate against minority groups.

    We also have to use actors who are a suitable age. This means that no underage teens will be  included in the production. It is our responsibility as a production team, to make sure our final product fits the terms and criteria  of the brief and does not violate any legal constraints.It is important that we understand the laws regarding ethical issues. Moral and ethical codes may not be the law, but the way in which ethical & moral issues are handled could potentially affect the outcome of the product and the reputation of the client. Moral and ethical issues relate to whether or not certain content is “morally right” or suitable to show to the public. Morals are the principles on which one's judgments of right and wrong are based on. One of the most important issues we as a production group need to consider is copyright. We have to make sure that our product does not include any copyright material. And if we use copyright material, we have to show proof of granted permission. The actors that will feature in our idents, will have to sign release forms. We as a group also need to consider the amount of hours our actors can work for.Teenagers (15-18 year olds) can only work a maximum of 12 hours a week. Laws such as the broadcast law and 

    non- Discrimination act need to be considered. The Broadcasting Act is a law, which was put in place by the British parliament. The Act was created to change and improve British broadcasting, particularly British Radio. This law was created by Margaret Thatcher in 1990. The broadcasting Act stops broadcasters from broadcasting inappropriate content such as pornography and Gory images. The act is essentially a collection of laws that television and radio producers must abide by. The purpose of the Broadcasting act is to protect people under the age of 18 from viewing inappropriate content. The non- discrimination law refers to the law on the right of people to be treated equally.

    Amendments to the proposed final product:

    When it comes to the changes we made to the final product we looked at things such as the:
    • Colour scheme
    • The Theme
    • Ideas across all 4 Idents
    • Seasonal or Random
    • Live video/Stop Motion/ Animation
    • Duration
    • Location

    When it came to the colour scheme, we originally decide to have a variety of colours because we wanted to endorse the themes as being colourful and bright, however from the clients specification he asked us to keep up with the college’s colour being purple and white.

    When it came to the theme, we originally had decide to use the theme of “Shining” so we would have students studying hard but at a later discovery we found this idea boring so we came up with the concept of things coming to life.

    The ideas across all the idents had to be realistic in making so we wouldn't have a hard time during the actual production stages. In which meant the development of our ideas into making something that is based in college and is realistic in producing to satisfy the client.
    1. faders coming to life
    2. Football coming to life
    3. Science -chemical reaction
    4. Art coming to life
    This was the new outcome of our improved ideas which were more realistic to make.

    A major issue that we faced was if the suit of idents were to be seasonal or nonseasonal (random) as some of the ideas we thought of would be hard to incorporate seasonal across the suit so we came to the decision to not incorporate seasons across the suit.

    The type of product we decide to make at first was live video because we thought it would be able to capture our idea perfectly but then we decided that stop motion will show more creativity and flair.

    The duration the suit of the ident was negotiated with the client to be 15 seconds and above for each ident.

    Our original location idea was that we film each ident across all the other sites of st.marys CTK but then we discovered that is extra costs and that is long for us. So we decided to change it to be set in one location which is the site of CTK st.mary’s sidcup

    Amendments to budget:

    After meeting and discussing with the client , we have reached an understand that there will not be any amendments for the budget to make sure the idents are made on time to the desired quality. The Original budget that was set for the idents was £50.00. This is to cover expenses like props, lunch for cast and crew. After reviewing the situation we decided that we would not have to cover the expense for transportation as we students do not need to pay for travel (via Bus). Another expense that will not effect the budget is equipment such as access to Mac suites and cameras. This will be provided by the college because we are media students.

    Amendments to conditions:

    After reviewing the notes that were taken from the meeting withe client, a few conditions need to be amended. One that needs to be amended is the use of colours. the client had stated that he wants the colour scheme of the college to remain present, however we are given the freedom to use any colours we please as we need to play into the theme of the seasons (Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn).  Another revision that might need to be made is the target audience of the idents. This is because at first our group were exclusively target 15-19 years. However it has come to our attention that there are more factors that need to be taken into consideration. By this i mean the parents of the students that the college are trying to attract need to feel that this is an appropriate learning institution.

    TASK 2C-


    Opportunities for self development

    Opportunities for self development
    When working towards a brief with a client in order to fulfil a successful project with a successful product, involves a lot of skills for example our original consultation with the client required us as a group to have communication and negotiating skills in order to work towards a brief with a client. Also another skill that was very important was to be creative and come with ideas that suit the specifications of the client so you also need to be able to listen to your client.

    New Skills
    when it comes to writing about new skills that i have acquired it can be things such as communication skills for example when it comes to negotiating with a client you need to know what you are talking about and most of all you need to be persuasive in order to convince the client to change his specifications.

    When it comes to multi-skilling there are many skills that have to be used for example when talking or negotiating the brief with the client you need to have preparation skills, communication skills and you need to have knowledge of the concept of the product for example we have knowledge of the college because we attend everyday, so with that we can get a feel of what life is like at CTK.

    Contributions to the product Brief
    when it comes to my contribution i have applied a lot of time because as an assistant producer and a director of Photography i have to work closely with the client and the teams director so we can work to their individual specifications.


    As an editor and assistant director, it is my responsibility to assist in the completion of the animatics and the shot list. I am also in charge of the selection of technical and performance crew along with the producer. As editor, it is also my responsibility to create and put together the final version of the suite of idents to a professional standard.

    new skills and multi-skilling

    This role has given me the opportunity to develop my editing skills as well as communication skills. I also have an opportunity for me to develop my directing skills. This will help with my communication skills because this role will force me to convey my ideas. A new skill i have developed so far is negotiating and pitching to the client. My production team and i pitched communication skills and presentation skills as this time on the project/brief we are working with an actual client which makes it very close if not a real life situation, it has also given the opportunity for me to showcase the skills that I have learnt and picked up within m study in the past year and this year.

    identify opportunities for self-development

    The role of assistant director means that i will need to help communicate the director's ideas, themes and concepts to the client and the rest of the production team. Being both the assistant director and editor will allow me to further develop my communication and leadership skills. Being editor will also allow me to develop my editing skills, animation skills and Creative Thinking. This is because i will need to use all of these skills during the production.

    contributions to project brief: 

    The Contribution I will be making to this project will be the editing of footage and the rendering of the final suite of idents. The editing of footage includes trimming footage, adding effects and animating visual elements to a professional standard.



    As a director some of the skills that need to be present is the ability to be creative and come up with ideas. This is incredibly essential because without and ideas it would be impossible for any ideas to transpire. 

    New skills

    Another skill that need to be present is the skill to communicate with your team members clearly and efficiently. This is vital as a successful team is a team that is able to discuss any areas of the idea that may need to be made clear again , or even revised. I am able to communicate effectively therefore making me a asset to my team. 

    Another skill I possess is the ability to explain my idea. Whether this is done through a series of images and videos. I will make sure that my idea is portrayed in one way or another. This is helpful in terms of being a director as part of being a successful director is making sure that the people that you're working with understand the concept of your idea 100%. This leads to your vision being made that inch better.

    Multi skilling

    In regards to multi skilling, there are a number of abilities that must be utilised, for example when speaking to or organising the brief with the client a certain number of skills are required, such as negotiation and communication and most importantly a clear vision of the idea so that we are able to tell the client our initial vision. This is important as you want to reach a compromise with the client that fits their needs but at the same time doesn't sacrifice your artistic vision.

    Contributions to project

    the contribution i will be making to the project breif is making sure the designs are clear. this is important as it will play a key factor in how our idents need to look. Another contribution i will be making is Directing the idents. I will be giving guidance to the actors involved in our idents also look at how our idents is being film while we are on location. This is to make sure that what we are filming matches the vision that i have created.


    Opportunities for self development
    In order to to create a prosperous product, as a producer I have to ensure that all pre production work has been completed in order to start shooting. For self development, a skill is communication because in order to get everything completed in time, my group and I have to communicate.

    New Skills
    I have gained new skills such as communication, the reason for this is because of when we had to negotiate and also pitch to the client, communication is key in order to get our ideas across.

    Multi Skilling
    With multi skilling, there are a number of abilities that must be utilized, for example when talking or arranging the brief with the client a certain number of skills are required, such as negotiation and communication and most importantly a clear vision of the idea so that we are able to tell the client our initial vision.

    Contributions to the product brief
    With contributions to the product brief, I have the role as a producer, where I am in charge of recce, risk assessment, kit booking, and also overseeing the production.


    Camera Operator/Director of photography
     My role as a camera operator is someone who records images for the purpose of entertainment or to inform an audience. As a camera operators I must capture the artistic side of things.
    New skills and multi-skilling:
     This role has allowed me to have the opportunity to gain a new level of experience in using a camera as well as communication skills as I have to interact with my clients to understand what they want. I also have an opportunity to develop communication skills as well as directing as some ideas mention were taken into consideration by my team members. I have also acquired new skill sets that I recently developed which are negotiating with a client on a brief and pitching to a client on a brief. In which me and my production team pitched to the client our pitch of ideas on the product that will be made. Working with a client gave me a sense of a real life situation, it has also given me the opportunity to showcase the skills that I have learnt.
     Identify Opportunities for self-development:
     The role of camera operator/Director of photography means that I should be able to creatively understand and have a good eye to capture art. Therefore it also enhances my skills and knowledge when working with a camera. I also had the opportunity to advance my communication skills as I have to talk more with clients and team mates, to keep track. A self-development is that I need to be clear in presenting my ideas.
     Contributions to the project brief:
    The contribution I will be making to the brief will be filming the stop motion idents. This includes sorting together all the footage/photos taken to create the right sequence for the purposed plan/pitch.


    For the suite of idents that need to created for Christ the King St Marys sixth form college we have decided to go with the theme of the four seasons. During the idents we have decided as a group to include the college logo, as well as the college colours.

    To keep up with the theme of the seasons , we have decided to dedicate one ident for each season.


    For this ident the setting would take place out side in the outdoors, preferably students practicing for support. However i would like some summer colour to be present in the ident such as , powder pinkpink icelight grey marl, silver,  soft greypebble grey, mint ice, iced aquamistice blue, light aquapastel jade, light teal marl, light blue greycobalt blue marl, cornflower, summer blue marl, oxford bluewisteriaice lavendericed hyacinthprimrose.


    For this ident i was thinking of using 
    Image result for autumn colours

    Autumn leaf color is a phenomenon that affects the normally green leaves of many deciduous trees and shrubs by which they take on, during a few weeks in the autumn season, various shades of redyellow,purpleblackorange, pink, magenta, blue and brown.


    For this ident i was thinking of using spring like colours such as  warm greens, yellows, orangey reds, very peachy pinks and every shade of light brown from tan to palest beige. In this ident i would like to showcase the students interacting with each other while having these colours on display.


    For this ident i would really like to see the cold colours of winter to be present in one way or another. colour such as the following 

    to accomidate the winter theme i would want to have students wearing warm coats, gloves, scarfs. this will make it clear to the audience that it is winter.