Wednesday 23 March 2016

One minute film pre production report (draft with mistake)

In this report I will showing all the requirements that I need in order to make sure my one minute short film "Dolls" in order to make sure this film happens successfully happen . This plan is to ensure that the project is delivered by the deadline. My short film will be about a stressed out Man who finds Voodoo doll, and starts attacking. But in reality it is effecting his next door neighbor. Some of the requirements I will need to consider in this pre-production report are: Type of production, Finance, Timescale, Crew and Personnel, Facilities, Materials, Contributors, Locations and Code of Practice and Regulation.

Type of Production

The type of production is a shart film that will last for one minute. The genre of the film will be a Horror film. This short film will require a script, a small crew, a storyboard, and props such as fake blood and of course you will need a camera to record and LED lights respectively.


In order for this project to be successful I am going to need to decided where I am going to get my source of finance from. This is important because if I do not have a source of finance then I will not have enough funds to pay for things like Crew memebers wages, Recording equipment, Catering and even Editing. Usually Short film can be funded by kick starters, this means that people who are supporting the product donate their own money in order to make sure the project can be funded.

Budget requirements will need to set in order to make sure we are spending the right amount of money on facilities, for example paying for the transport , talent (cast/actor) crew (production), materials, facility hire (studio or edit suite). However for this project I will not need as much funding, this is because I will be using equipment for CTK Sidcup free of charge, also I will not need to pay for travel as I am 17 and my travel is free when using buses in London. I will not need to pay for talent such as actors and crew, this is because I have convinced my friends and classmates to help me out free of charge.
Catering fees - While we are filming it is important that food and drink are provided. This is because you need both crew and talent to be working at their best. This will cost around £20.

Editing suite - Usually a editing suite will cost up to around £1000+ ,this is because an Apple Mac is idle for editing short films because of the software "Final Cut Pro". Hoever I will be using Christ the King St Mary's has a Mac suite for editing that I have access to.


Fake Blood (1000ml) x2 - £14

Voodoo Doll - £6

In order to pay for these expense I will need to use my own money or borrow from friends and family who want to contribute to this project. However if there are other ways of obtaining the funds needed in order to make a short film. Many short film makers use Kick-starters to fund their short film project. Kickstarter is a site which allows people to donate to a project until the project goal is met.

I have taken into consideration that I will have to use my budget to make sure I have the best and most suitable talent available to me to use in my short film however, I will be using the people around me to start in my short film, this will include friends ,family or anyone who wants to volunteer.


In the meia business deadlines are very important. Without deadlines the product will not be released on time, if the product is not released on time then it will cause the audience to be upset, also it will cost me more money as I will have to pay for extra use of equipment e.g. Camera, microphones.

I will need to make sure that I have set out enough time to book the necessary equipment from CTK Sidcup. In this case I will need to make sure that I will have a working camera. If I don't have a camera I won’t be able to film the web serial.

I have also taken into consideration the availability of personals, I am going to have to keep the contact details of each team member, and this is so that I will be able to tell necessary information, like where we will be meeting.

Crew and Personnel

As I have no budbget the size of me team is looking to be between 5- people, this is because I would have to ask favour from friends in order to help out with the project. Whereas a project such as Video Game High School (VGHS) would have over 100 people for cast and crew. Their roles could vary from runners to camera man and even sound guys.
Some of the skills that crew and personnel will need to have is good time management skills, as there is only for people one member of the team will be in charge of the camera work of the film a

Cameraman/Women - Responsible for Filming all the footage that will be used in short film.
Director - Responsible for making sure the talent is doing exactly what they are supposed to be.
Editor- responsible for arrange footage so that it follows continuity.
Sound Engineer - Make sure that the audio of a film matches up with the actions of the film.
Director: Ugo (Me)
Skills: Has a very good relationship in woreking with others, has a very artistic way of looking at things and a very good artistic mind. Mind.
Rate card charges: 48 hour PER week
Job Description: Directors are responsible for making and transforming the written script of the film into visual images and sounds on screen, they are also responsible for the films artistic nature it is based on him if the films artistic nature is a success or a failure. During pre-production he is responsible for the writing and lining of the script, they are also tasked with selecting the right crew and cast and also responsible for soeurcing locations that he thinks are suitable for the film idea. They also handle technical aspects of the film such as camera, sound, lightning, and special effects. At all stages of production the director is responsible for the motivation of the crew and cast to produce work at the best of their ability.
During the post production stages the director works with the editors through various technical processes of editing in other to reach the final and suitable version of the film that is been produced. The director always need to be aware of the production budget so that he doesn’t get locations and personals that are above the productions budget.

Producer: Michael Oladokun.
Skills: Organized and gets things done quick and in relative time, not very good at have patience with someone, confident.
Rate card charges: 48 hour per week
Job Description: In the media Industry the producer has the overall control in every aspect of film productions, they are responsible for bringing the crew members together and creating an environment where the crews and cast can work together and flourish. In the pre-production stages the producers brings in the key members of the production team such as the director and key cast members, they are also task with the job of funding and finding finances for the project once this has been done they select key members as head of departments for certain sectors of production.
The producers also approve location, final shoot script, production schedule, call sheet and overall budget. Once the film is at the stage of production the producers are responsible for the day to day smooth operation of the team, they should keep in constant touch with the director and other key creative members.

Camera Operator: Tamaria Lynch
Skills: Has a good skill using the camera, can use the rule of third and the 180 degree rule and she has a very good artistic mind.

Rate Card Charges: 10 hour day
                                             £380 - £426

Job Description: Director of photography are important heads of film productions and they have one of the major creative roles they are required to provide the film with a unique visual look.
Director of photography’s must understand the photographic importance of a screenplay, they must be able to use various types and source of materials and skills which include still photography and painting they also need the ability to have an artistic mind, they are also tasked with the ability of creating the best and the right look using the correct lightning, framing and camera movements.
During filming the director of photography/ camera operator is in charge of the camera and works with the director to visualize, film and produce the concept idea of the film to the viewers.


In this project I am going need facilities in order to make sure that I am able to shoot the one minute short film. The production equipment I will need is a camera and a tripod. However VGHS would need more things such as reflectors, gels, stabilizer and even lenses

in order for my project to go forth I am going to have some post production , this includes using software like final cut pro x to edit all the footage that has been shot, CTK Sidcup have an editing suite available for me to use in order to edit all my footage.

Hiring out facilities can be costly, it can cost up to £2300+ to hire out equipment for 7 days, on one hand this is good because this ensure that the equipment and resources are top nottch and fully functional on the other hand the colleges resources are free to use, this is idle for me as I will be looking to put in the least amount as money as I need to, as I am not being funded.

However as i am doing this part of a college assignment, Christ the king will be responsible for supplying me with: A lighting kit, Camera and Tripod. Another facility they will be able to provide me with is a mac suite to edit the footage we have gathered.


For my project I will need to think about what music I will use. However I cannot just pick any song that I want to be in this project, unless I score the piece of music myself or own the copyrights then I will not be able to use the audio in my film. "In a nuttshell Royalty Free Music refers to a type of music licensing that allows the purchaser to pay for the music license only once and to use the music for as long as desired. For example you purchase a Royalty Free Music license for a video on your website"
Paying the royalties to music has its upsides, as you have a wider selection of music to choose from to be featured in your film.


For the location of my short film I have chosen to use the scenery at Canary Wharf stateion. I have chosen this location because I feel it will tie into the aesthetic of my short film.  Another location I have chosen to film at.

Another Location I have chosen to use is house that belongs to one of my class mate. I have chosen to shoot at this location because I the appearance off the house is very suitable for the type of short film I want to feel. This is important because if the appearance of the location you choose to film at does not match the nature of the film then it will come across as unprofessional.


Our contributors are specialised people who are good and are still in the processes of learning or already good at what they do the people I’m referring to are producers, directors and camera operators. Also we are going to sourcing actors from people in the drama section of my school which makes it more professional which makes it more professional as they will know what they are doing.

Code of practice and Regulations

 These are the documents by regulation that we must have in other for our short film to be successful, examples are locations and pictures and videos of oour locations, forms for the owners of the locations to fill in other to show that we have permission to film on their site, also other documents such has consent forms that actors need to sign in other to know that they have given us the right to post what we have film. We are also going to have a set of rules which are meant to govern the organisation. Also health and safety regulations will have to be met.

In the United Kingdom the film regulation body is the BBFC and OFOCOM and they mainly regulate movies and series which are going to show in cinema’s and on DVD's due to that the BBFC or OFCOM aren't going to regulate my short film because it is not going to show in cinema's rather it’s going to be shown at filem festivals and BBFC do not regulate series

Liability insurance will need to be taken out in order to shoot the film. This is because liability insurance will makes sure that I am insured in case an accident may happen while we are shooting on set. Without liability insurance then my company can find themselves paying a heavy sum of money if an accident does occur.

In order to shoot onn certain locations I will need to have a shooting licenses. A shooting licenses insures that I am allowed to film on that site. For example for my actual short film I have decided to shoot at Canary Wharf and in order for me to secure that location I had E-mail the Press Office at Canary Wharf. After a couple days they gave me permission to shoot.  Also I contacted the TFL and they asked us to produce to issue us a shooting license.

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